creative highlight
MEMBER from our community
Hello, my name is Shellie Dial Owens. I live just North East of Los Angeles in a community known as the Antelope Valley (think desert, lots of heat, wind and Joshua trees). I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. While other kids played with dolls, I drew my dolls and changed their clothes with a pencil and an eraser. I was an art major in college, and freelanced flyers and book covers in my 20's. After that, my early photography studio and photo lab manager positions turned into general retail management, and that, along with life in general got in the way of my art-- and my Christian upbringing. Just a few years ago, after having not been in church for many years, the Lord drew me. There is no other way to explain it. I longed for my Bible which was buried deeply in a box in the garage and dug for it for hours in over 100 degree heat. Soon after, I began attending church again. Along with coming to the saving knowledge of Christ and being led to the most wonderful reformed church, pastored by John MacArthur, the Lord has also seen fit to revitalize my creativity and my art. My passion is for pen and ink illustrations and for watercolor. I began painting again in early 2020, and try to paint or draw something daily if I can. I had a successful gallery showing in Studio City late last year, however plans to set up a website to sell prints have been sidetracked with a diagnosis of Breast Cancer. As of August 2021, my treatment is still in process, and God has been so faithful and so present during this trial! For now, I am still drawing and painting, I have hope and faith in His sovereign will. I am content to glorify Him in my art and am open to His leading for my life and for whatever comes next. Soli Deo Gloria.
"And we know that ALL things work together for, to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose."
- Romans 8:28
"And we know that ALL things work together for, to them that love God, to them that are called according to His purpose."
- Romans 8:28
Can you tell us about your introduction to art? How did you know you had a creative gift?
I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. While other kids were out playing in the street, I was drawing. In 5th grade I got a ribbon for a drawing my teacher entered in the State Fair and my mom let me take an "Art after School" drawing class which I loved. In Junior High I drew celebrities and in High School I drew my friends. I received an art talent scholarship for Eastern New Mexico University and officially became an art major. I made money doing side jobs with my art-- table flyers for clubs and things like that, but ultimately became a portrait photographer and didn't draw or paint much for many years, except when my church needed a cover for their directory or a Christmas Concert.
Did you ever think you’d be selling your art, or teaching art?
I'd say I really didn't do any art for at least 25 years but the Covid lockdown changed all that. I had a friend who, knowing I had painted designs on a few old chairs around the house, challenged me to get out an ACTUAL watercolor set and paint chickens with her. Of course, we were sharing all our drawings through text, locked down at our own homes…but it was fun! This is when I realized how much my painting RELAXED me and how much I had missed it. I felt driven to "catch up" and revitalize my skills, so I resolved to paint something EVERY day and did this for most of 2020! Another friend asked if I wanted to do a Gallery showing at her Color Me Mine, so I was pushed to find a good printer and get set up to sell, which I had never intended to do! I think I had about 75 prints in the show, and it was very successful, even with curfews still in place. A friend of mine is a well-known touring band and he played at the showing, while doing a live broadcast of his music across the country. He showed my art to his national audience and I received many orders from his fans also, which was wonderful! So no, I NEVER expected to sell my art, but it has been nice to sell prints to those who have asked for them. In the future, I may put up a website for this purpose, but it is not an urgent task in my book. For now, if people ask, I can give them prices (with or without mats) and ship them out very easily using Venmo, Zelle or Paypal.
I have been drawing for as long as I can remember. While other kids were out playing in the street, I was drawing. In 5th grade I got a ribbon for a drawing my teacher entered in the State Fair and my mom let me take an "Art after School" drawing class which I loved. In Junior High I drew celebrities and in High School I drew my friends. I received an art talent scholarship for Eastern New Mexico University and officially became an art major. I made money doing side jobs with my art-- table flyers for clubs and things like that, but ultimately became a portrait photographer and didn't draw or paint much for many years, except when my church needed a cover for their directory or a Christmas Concert.
Did you ever think you’d be selling your art, or teaching art?
I'd say I really didn't do any art for at least 25 years but the Covid lockdown changed all that. I had a friend who, knowing I had painted designs on a few old chairs around the house, challenged me to get out an ACTUAL watercolor set and paint chickens with her. Of course, we were sharing all our drawings through text, locked down at our own homes…but it was fun! This is when I realized how much my painting RELAXED me and how much I had missed it. I felt driven to "catch up" and revitalize my skills, so I resolved to paint something EVERY day and did this for most of 2020! Another friend asked if I wanted to do a Gallery showing at her Color Me Mine, so I was pushed to find a good printer and get set up to sell, which I had never intended to do! I think I had about 75 prints in the show, and it was very successful, even with curfews still in place. A friend of mine is a well-known touring band and he played at the showing, while doing a live broadcast of his music across the country. He showed my art to his national audience and I received many orders from his fans also, which was wonderful! So no, I NEVER expected to sell my art, but it has been nice to sell prints to those who have asked for them. In the future, I may put up a website for this purpose, but it is not an urgent task in my book. For now, if people ask, I can give them prices (with or without mats) and ship them out very easily using Venmo, Zelle or Paypal.
How do you encounter the Lord in your creativity?
As a Christian, it has become more and more important for me to make sure that anything I draw or paint glorifies God. After all, that is what we are here for, and He is the one who has given me the talent and this passion. Why would I not use it to make Him known and to please Him? Not every painting I do includes scripture. Some paintings just celebrate the beauty He has created and the joy I feel using the colors He has made. Many times I will listen to Christian music (Keith Green is my favorite) or a sermon by my pastor, John MacArthur, while I paint. It is another way I can redeem the time, learning more about my Savior and worshiping Him while I create.
What are your favorite ways to express your creativity?
My favorite mediums are watercolor, pen and ink or a mixture of the two. I know some artists have their ONE style, and you KNOW it's theirs when you see it. I don't think I really have that yet. EVERYTHING interests me. I am still exploring new styles, new looks and new subjects. I never even know what I am going to do next! Ha-ha
Are others in your family creative too?
My daughter is creative in her own way-- she sometimes works with clay and sews embellishments on stuffed animals. My husband plays bass guitar and is musically creative. I took piano lessons when I was young and can somewhat play and can still read music, but I do not enjoy that like I do my art. In fact, I was recruited to play with my husband and the worship team for our fellowship group, and although I could get through it, playing in front of others was not my forte as it gave me quite a bit of anxiety! I will leave the music to Him and stick with my art! :)
What do you feel God is calling you to in this season with your creativeness?
I am right now working on a gospel tract, which is about half done. I was a huge fan of Jack Chick's art and his tracts when I was growing up. He was so talented, and so "TO THE POINT", even in a shocking way at times! I feel this is something I need to accomplish, even if I just share it online. Its content is on the subject of BLESSINGS-- what the world sees as a blessing, and what they really are. God's common grace and temporal blessings are bestowed on both the good and evil-- but they expire at death. Spiritual blessings are so much more valuable, and they are Eternal.
I would also, at some point, like to illustrate a book. I recently finished a book cover for a friend whose book is selling on Amazon, "The Best Breakup Line I ever Got" by Teresa Schachtel. I would ultimately like this to be a book that will teach children about Jesus, and even one I might write if that is possible!
Is it costly to be a creative/artist?
I have not found it to be extremely costly, no. I love Daniel Smith paints and good quality cotton paper-- and I love buying new brushes from time to time, but I just do a little at a time, so I don't need a big budget for it. The printer costs a bit, but I recoup that in the sales because I just 'print to order' for now.
Any encouraging words, words of wisdom from what you've learned to help other creatives on their journey to being abundant and thriving artists/creatives/makers?
I have not really embarked on this as a money-making career for now, so I don't have advice on that aspect although there are MANY successful people with thriving art businesses who are happy to share their knowledge and experience on YouTube videos. Tutorials are a great way to learn, and there is always something new to explore!
I would just say to do what makes you happy with your art, and make sure you are using your talents and relationships in a way that honors your creator and be open with others about your faith in Him. Nothing else in our lives could be of greater importance.
As a Christian, it has become more and more important for me to make sure that anything I draw or paint glorifies God. After all, that is what we are here for, and He is the one who has given me the talent and this passion. Why would I not use it to make Him known and to please Him? Not every painting I do includes scripture. Some paintings just celebrate the beauty He has created and the joy I feel using the colors He has made. Many times I will listen to Christian music (Keith Green is my favorite) or a sermon by my pastor, John MacArthur, while I paint. It is another way I can redeem the time, learning more about my Savior and worshiping Him while I create.
What are your favorite ways to express your creativity?
My favorite mediums are watercolor, pen and ink or a mixture of the two. I know some artists have their ONE style, and you KNOW it's theirs when you see it. I don't think I really have that yet. EVERYTHING interests me. I am still exploring new styles, new looks and new subjects. I never even know what I am going to do next! Ha-ha
Are others in your family creative too?
My daughter is creative in her own way-- she sometimes works with clay and sews embellishments on stuffed animals. My husband plays bass guitar and is musically creative. I took piano lessons when I was young and can somewhat play and can still read music, but I do not enjoy that like I do my art. In fact, I was recruited to play with my husband and the worship team for our fellowship group, and although I could get through it, playing in front of others was not my forte as it gave me quite a bit of anxiety! I will leave the music to Him and stick with my art! :)
What do you feel God is calling you to in this season with your creativeness?
I am right now working on a gospel tract, which is about half done. I was a huge fan of Jack Chick's art and his tracts when I was growing up. He was so talented, and so "TO THE POINT", even in a shocking way at times! I feel this is something I need to accomplish, even if I just share it online. Its content is on the subject of BLESSINGS-- what the world sees as a blessing, and what they really are. God's common grace and temporal blessings are bestowed on both the good and evil-- but they expire at death. Spiritual blessings are so much more valuable, and they are Eternal.
I would also, at some point, like to illustrate a book. I recently finished a book cover for a friend whose book is selling on Amazon, "The Best Breakup Line I ever Got" by Teresa Schachtel. I would ultimately like this to be a book that will teach children about Jesus, and even one I might write if that is possible!
Is it costly to be a creative/artist?
I have not found it to be extremely costly, no. I love Daniel Smith paints and good quality cotton paper-- and I love buying new brushes from time to time, but I just do a little at a time, so I don't need a big budget for it. The printer costs a bit, but I recoup that in the sales because I just 'print to order' for now.
Any encouraging words, words of wisdom from what you've learned to help other creatives on their journey to being abundant and thriving artists/creatives/makers?
I have not really embarked on this as a money-making career for now, so I don't have advice on that aspect although there are MANY successful people with thriving art businesses who are happy to share their knowledge and experience on YouTube videos. Tutorials are a great way to learn, and there is always something new to explore!
I would just say to do what makes you happy with your art, and make sure you are using your talents and relationships in a way that honors your creator and be open with others about your faith in Him. Nothing else in our lives could be of greater importance.