creative highlight
MEMBER from our community
"Hello! My name is Justyna and I am passionate about creating practical, usable knit and crochet wear. It is completely my pleasure to create a unique piece that will be a part of yours or a loved one's life. I learned how to crochet at 7 years old, and ever since I had the desire to start my own little business. I began knitting on January 1, 2016, and I'm so glad I did! Fiber arts are a wonderful way for me to keep my hands busy, de-stress, and provide a little extra income as a stay-at-home mom"
Instagram: @ladyjaycrochet
Instagram: @ladyjaycrochet
Can you tell us about your introduction to art? How did you know you had a creative gift?
I started crocheting as a young girl, primarily making scarves and purses for myself and dolls.
Did you ever think you’d be selling your art, or teaching art?
I did dream of being able to sell my handiwork.
What are some of the biggest challenges you have in explaining what you do to others who don't find themselves in a creative background or field? Like family/friends/strangers?
I generally have not had challenges explaining what I do. I typically tell people I design knitwear as a “side hustle” to being a full-time mama.
I started crocheting as a young girl, primarily making scarves and purses for myself and dolls.
Did you ever think you’d be selling your art, or teaching art?
I did dream of being able to sell my handiwork.
What are some of the biggest challenges you have in explaining what you do to others who don't find themselves in a creative background or field? Like family/friends/strangers?
I generally have not had challenges explaining what I do. I typically tell people I design knitwear as a “side hustle” to being a full-time mama.
How do you encounter the Lord in your creativity?
As He is the ultimate Creator - I am able to do what I do thanks to Him. I used to think I had no creativity in me, so I truly believe all of my design ideas are blessings from Him.
What are your favorite ways to create?
I enjoy knitting and crochet primarily.
Are others in your family creative too?
My in-laws all have a crafty side! My maternal side knits.
What do you feel God is calling you to in this season with your creativeness?
Step back, not devote as much time to it. Spend more time doing it creatively, rather than pursue it financially. I will trust that He will bless it regardless of how much effort I put forth.
Is it costly to be a creative/maker?
It is costly in terms of the time it takes to devote to the art. Time is irreplaceable. It also requires monetary commitment, though I started out very frugally by nature.
How did you become productive and abundant in your artwork/and where do you see it going from here?
I truly believe God had/has His hand in how Lady Jay Crochet “took off”. I never expected to get where I was. I mainly started selling to pay for more craft supplies.
Some practical steps you'd encourage other creatives to take to become productive and learn business skills etc.?
Journal all your ideas as they come to you. Then step back and evaluate if they are worth your time and effort. Find exactly what you like to do in your medium, and let the art flow organically. Following trends leads to burnout and can suck the joy from your craft.
How do you juggle your business/family/social time?
There was a lot of sacrifice in the beginning - long hours and stress. Now, I am happy to be where I am without ever moving up. I design when ideas come that I feel are worth my time and effort to share. I do not bother with ideas that frustrate me. I do not put unrealistic goals on my plate which only cause stress to myself and my family. There really is no such thing as true balance. You can only pour your energy effectively into one area at a time. Budgeting time wisely and being realistic with goals is key.
Any encouraging words, words of wisdom from what you've learned to help other creatives on their journey to being abundant and thriving artists/creatives/makers?
It’s okay not to be first. Or the best. Or part of the elite. It’s tempting to follow trends, devote more time, raise the bar higher, compete with previous years’ accomplishments. When is it enough? Make sure that you pursue your relationship with God and your relationships with people first. Ask God to bless your creativity and/or business if it is His will. He may not answer in the way you expect. It takes time to grow; be patient, be humble, show yourself grace.
As He is the ultimate Creator - I am able to do what I do thanks to Him. I used to think I had no creativity in me, so I truly believe all of my design ideas are blessings from Him.
What are your favorite ways to create?
I enjoy knitting and crochet primarily.
Are others in your family creative too?
My in-laws all have a crafty side! My maternal side knits.
What do you feel God is calling you to in this season with your creativeness?
Step back, not devote as much time to it. Spend more time doing it creatively, rather than pursue it financially. I will trust that He will bless it regardless of how much effort I put forth.
Is it costly to be a creative/maker?
It is costly in terms of the time it takes to devote to the art. Time is irreplaceable. It also requires monetary commitment, though I started out very frugally by nature.
How did you become productive and abundant in your artwork/and where do you see it going from here?
I truly believe God had/has His hand in how Lady Jay Crochet “took off”. I never expected to get where I was. I mainly started selling to pay for more craft supplies.
Some practical steps you'd encourage other creatives to take to become productive and learn business skills etc.?
Journal all your ideas as they come to you. Then step back and evaluate if they are worth your time and effort. Find exactly what you like to do in your medium, and let the art flow organically. Following trends leads to burnout and can suck the joy from your craft.
How do you juggle your business/family/social time?
There was a lot of sacrifice in the beginning - long hours and stress. Now, I am happy to be where I am without ever moving up. I design when ideas come that I feel are worth my time and effort to share. I do not bother with ideas that frustrate me. I do not put unrealistic goals on my plate which only cause stress to myself and my family. There really is no such thing as true balance. You can only pour your energy effectively into one area at a time. Budgeting time wisely and being realistic with goals is key.
Any encouraging words, words of wisdom from what you've learned to help other creatives on their journey to being abundant and thriving artists/creatives/makers?
It’s okay not to be first. Or the best. Or part of the elite. It’s tempting to follow trends, devote more time, raise the bar higher, compete with previous years’ accomplishments. When is it enough? Make sure that you pursue your relationship with God and your relationships with people first. Ask God to bless your creativity and/or business if it is His will. He may not answer in the way you expect. It takes time to grow; be patient, be humble, show yourself grace.