meet our Interview guest
My name is Bethany. I am a friend and devoted follower of Jesus Christ, I love spending time with him and sharing the stories he tells me with others. I’ve been married for over 36 years and have four sons and one daughter, three daughter in-laws, and seven beautiful grandchildren. God has blessed me with a ministry, Agape Celebration, we focus on celebrating God through art and bringing woman to a place of understanding their identity through Jesus. I love to write and speak about life experiences and the hope of Jesus.
Agape Celebration, Rooted in Mercy
Instagram: @rootedinmercyart
Agape Celebration, Rooted in Mercy
Instagram: @rootedinmercyart
Can you tell us about your introduction to art? How did you know you had a creative gift?
I’ve been writing since I was a teen. I feel like art was kind of accidental. I’d see something and try it. Painting was introduced to me when I went to an art Sozo training, and that was very cool. My grandmother taught me to crochet, a friend of my mother taught me to see. How did you know you had a creative gift? I didn’t really think of my creativity as a gift at first, until I realized God created me to create! Then, it felt more purposeful.
Did you ever think you’d be selling your art, or teaching art?
No, not in my wildest dreams!
How do you encounter the Lord in your creativity?
When I’m writing I really feel the presence of God. When I write down prayers then just listen for Him to answer it is very fulfilling and inspiring. When painting or doing decoupage I feel that He leads me to see the world differently.
I’ve been writing since I was a teen. I feel like art was kind of accidental. I’d see something and try it. Painting was introduced to me when I went to an art Sozo training, and that was very cool. My grandmother taught me to crochet, a friend of my mother taught me to see. How did you know you had a creative gift? I didn’t really think of my creativity as a gift at first, until I realized God created me to create! Then, it felt more purposeful.
Did you ever think you’d be selling your art, or teaching art?
No, not in my wildest dreams!
How do you encounter the Lord in your creativity?
When I’m writing I really feel the presence of God. When I write down prayers then just listen for Him to answer it is very fulfilling and inspiring. When painting or doing decoupage I feel that He leads me to see the world differently.
What are your favorite ways to express your creativity?
Definitely through writing, but I have also enjoyed designing clothing, accessories, mugs, etc. for the website. That’s been a lot of fun.
Is there more than one creative outlet for you? Do they all come together or totally separate?
Writing is a huge outlet. With other things it goes in spurts. Right now I’m sewing gifts for my grandchildren and that has been really fun. I recently had fun designing paper prayer squares with my daughter. We wrote down our prayers and now can’t wait to see what God is going to do.
Are others in your family creative too?
Absolutely. All my kids have areas of creativity. They write, work with wood, repair cars, build rooms onto their houses, and photograph weddings.
What do you feel God is calling you to in this season with your creativeness?
I’d like write another book, probably a devotional based off my Blog, Rooted in Mercy.
Is it costly to be a creative/artist?
I think it is. There’s the money side of it of course, but I would say the cost is more of learning to surrender fear. I want to create for God, not man alone. I have to give up the fear of rejection, pride, embarrassment, etc. and solely focus on God. When that happens, the reward of creating outweighs the cost in ways that will last for generations.
Some practical steps you'd encourage other creatives to take to become productive and learn business skills etc.?
I think just trying it. Don’t be afraid of the risk.
Any encouraging words, words of wisdom from what you've learned to help other creatives on their journey to being abundant and thriving artists/creatives/makers?
Don’t give up. God created you to bring beauty, so be patient and allow him to work through you.
Definitely through writing, but I have also enjoyed designing clothing, accessories, mugs, etc. for the website. That’s been a lot of fun.
Is there more than one creative outlet for you? Do they all come together or totally separate?
Writing is a huge outlet. With other things it goes in spurts. Right now I’m sewing gifts for my grandchildren and that has been really fun. I recently had fun designing paper prayer squares with my daughter. We wrote down our prayers and now can’t wait to see what God is going to do.
Are others in your family creative too?
Absolutely. All my kids have areas of creativity. They write, work with wood, repair cars, build rooms onto their houses, and photograph weddings.
What do you feel God is calling you to in this season with your creativeness?
I’d like write another book, probably a devotional based off my Blog, Rooted in Mercy.
Is it costly to be a creative/artist?
I think it is. There’s the money side of it of course, but I would say the cost is more of learning to surrender fear. I want to create for God, not man alone. I have to give up the fear of rejection, pride, embarrassment, etc. and solely focus on God. When that happens, the reward of creating outweighs the cost in ways that will last for generations.
Some practical steps you'd encourage other creatives to take to become productive and learn business skills etc.?
I think just trying it. Don’t be afraid of the risk.
Any encouraging words, words of wisdom from what you've learned to help other creatives on their journey to being abundant and thriving artists/creatives/makers?
Don’t give up. God created you to bring beauty, so be patient and allow him to work through you.