seek God's kingdom
Our MissionCommunity of Christian Creatives is here to provide a community for all creatives and makers who love God and seek to share Him through their talents and gifts. The community first began using Instagram as a platform to lift up and encourage other creatives and makers, and will continue to. The Community of Christian Creatives Magazine is designed with the vision of presenting Christian creatives/makers' work all around the world to bless others and help people find just the creative piece they've been looking for and spread the Kingdom of God. |
connectingMost of our connecting comes through our social media platforms, as so many do today. However, if you would like to reach out or have a question that needs answered you can reach us via email.
Don't forget to check us out at: Instagram: @communityofchristiancreatives Facebook: @communityofchristiancreatives |
"As I sat listening to a teaching about the Lord one day, I heard the Lord say something in my spirit. It was to do for them what you'd want done for you. I said, 'Of course, but what and how.' I began to see myself creating an IG account named Community of Christian Creatives. I saw it grow, to include a website, a membership and even a magazine/catalog. I saw this being shared all over the world. This is how Community of Christian Creatives came to be and I pray that God continues to be glorified in it and that creatives all across the globe see how God moves through them and loves them including the gifts that He's given them." |
Misty Lea Chladek